Sunday, February 24, 2013

Warm Bodies

I know what you're thinking: "What kind of sick bastard would make Twilight with zombies?" I had heard about this while it was being filmed. And to be quite honest, I was pissed. Hollywood ruined vampires for me, and now they have to take my zombies too? So when it finally hit theaters, I figured I would use the opportunity to rip it a new one and shelve it as another piece of crap. I'm really starting to get sick of being wrong.

Yes, I'm just as surprised as you are. But to it's credit, it's very entertaining. The premise is incredibly cheesy, but if you go into it telling yourself that it's not meant to be taken seriously you'll thoroughly enjoy it. It doesn't add anything thought provoking to the zombie genre, but it's funny, has a memorable cast and it just grows on you. I can't hate on this. I loved it. And I challenge you to at least give it a shot for what it is: a zombie love story. Forget about Twilight for a while (that shouldn't be hard to do), and go see this if it's still playing in a theater near you. I think we all need something a little different this year, and hopefully this starts a long list of pleasant theatrical surprises.

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